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Lowell Window Replacement

Whether you’re looking for a small change or an entire home renovation, Burnett Inc is your local Lowell window replacement company. Since 1979, Burnett has provided the quality you can see from craftsmen you can trust. All of our projects focus on honest work and quality craftsmanship.

Our skilled team will work with you from beginning to end with a detailed consultation, accurate estimation, optional financing plans, and award-winning installation. Our workmanship is A+ rated from the BBB and backed with a warranty. Plus, in order to give back to our community, a percentage of our profits goes back to charities like The Little Light House and Habitat for Humanity.

Start your home improvement today with our:

  • Trusted Marvin Windows
  • Range of Window Options
  • Durable Window Materials

Trusted Infinity Windows from Marvin

Our Lowell window installers use quality materials from trusted manufacturers. All of our projects use Infinity windows from Marvin, which are made from durable Ultrex fiberglass. Our windows go beyond ENERGY STAR requirements, making your home energy-efficient. Best of all, you can choose colors and styles for whichever home improvement design you’d like.

Range of Window Options

At Burnett, our Lowell window replacement contractors install top-notch custom solutions. With a range of window types to select from, our consultants will help you find a style that matches your home. Whether you want traditional, contemporary, or decorative, we’ll have a window you love. Some of our popular window replacement types are:

  • Awning Windows
  • Bay Windows
  • Bow Windows
  • Double-Hung Windows
  • Garden Windows

Durable Window Materials for Your Lowell Home Upgrade

New windows from Little Flock’s premium remodeling company don’t just look beautiful; they’re also durable to last for years to come. Our Lowell window contractors provide window replacements that are cost-effective and durable. Whether you prefer fiberglass, wood, or vinyl, all of our window installations use low-E glass to be energy-efficient and affordable.

Get Your Lowell Window Replacement Estimate!

If you’re considering a new window installation, call the skilled home remodeling team at Burnett. We provide all of your home improvement services including windows, doors, siding, gutters, and baths. Complete our online form for your free window replacement estimate.