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Pat Magee

Pat Magee

Project Consultant

You’d be hard pressed to find a project consultant with as much knowledge and experience in the remodeling business than this man. Pat leads our team of project consultants and has helped THOUSANDS of Tulsan’s improve their homes since 1995. Pat is native to Cincinnati, is a devoted husband, father, and diehard Buckeye fan!

Favorite part of your job: The atmosphere. I love coming in and everyone’s your friend. And helping customers. Meeting new people.

Hidden talents: Singing Neil Diamond songs.

Favorite movie: Dumb and Dumber.

Dream vacation: Australia.

Spirit animal: Cheetah.

Hobbies: Golf and bowling.

If you could spend time with anyone who would it be? Vince Lombardi.

What is your definition of success? Making everybody around me better. Being a leader.

If you could time travel, when and/or where would you go? I’d like to go back in time and go to Woodstock.

In a movie about your life, who would you want to play you? Ben Affleck.

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