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Bath Remodel

Is a chipped or stained tub making your bathroom appear outdated? Are you tired of the constant scrubbing to keep mold and mildew at bay? Or perhaps you would simply like to give the bathroom in your Tulsa-area home a fresh look.

A new bathtub from Burnett Home Improvement is a fast, affordable way to add style, functionality, and value to your home.

We rely on the proven quality of BCI Elite products to complete our bathtub remodel projects. What does that mean to you? It means you’ll enjoy the many benefits of these durable, top-rated products, along with the protection of industry-leading warranties.

Want to know the best part?

You won’t have to deal with a long, inconvenient renovation, because our certified bathroom remodelers complete most installations in just two days!

Custom baths, fast installations, and competitive prices make Burnett Home Improvement the smart choice for your Tulsa bathroom remodel.

Custom Bathroom Renovations Using BCI Elite Products

When a bathroom remodel is done right, it boosts the beauty and functionality of your space. A big part of quality bathroom renovations is choosing the right products. A flimsy tub won’t last very long, nor is it likely to offer the stylish looks you want.

Our bathroom remodeling company is proud to install premium Luxury Bath showers and tubs that check every box for style, durability, easy maintenance, and more.

Benefits of BCI Elite tubs include:

  • Style Options: Dozens of style and color combinations make it easy to find a look that works for your bathroom.
  • Durability: Made from multilayer acrylic that won’t chip, scratch, or stain, BCI Elite tubs are designed to provide a lifetime of impressive performance.
  • Custom Fabrication: Your tub will be fabricated based on detailed measurements of your space for a guaranteed-perfect fit.
  • Easy Maintenance: Each tub is infused with Microban®, an antimicrobial protectant that makes it easy to keep your new bathtub fresh and clean.
  • Impressive Warranty: You’ll have peace of mind knowing your bathroom renovation is protected by an industry-leading warranty.

You can also count on us to provide flawless installation and superior customer service from start to finish.

Learn More About Our Award-Winning Tulsa Bathroom Remodeling Company

Our highly rated bathroom remodeling company has completed more than 31,000 successful projects, earned dozens of industry awards, and built long-lasting relationships with countless customers. Contact us to see for yourself how Burnett Home Improvement can deliver a bathroom renovation experience without equal. Call us today, or fill out our online form now to schedule a free consultation.