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Bethel Heights Bathroom Remodeling Contractors

A modern bathroom can set the design pace of the entire house. If yours looks outdated or has malfunctioning fixtures, you'll want to take action to correct it. Burnett Inc. is a trusted home remodeling company in Bethel Heights that would be thrilled to take on your project. We have more than four decades of experience in the community and are proudly locally and family-owned. We've won countless awards for our dedication to exceptional business practices and guarantee that you'll always be satisfied with our work. We offer:

  • Bathroom Conversions
  • Bathtub and Shower Remodels
  • Two Day Remodeling

High-Quality Bathroom Conversions in Bethel Heights

You shouldn't be forced to suffer with a bathing fixture you hate. At Burnett, we have a team of talented Bethel Heights bathroom remodelers that specialize in conversions. We can transform your existing bathtub into a stunning walk-in shower, or vice versa. We'll make sure to utilize the exact same floor space that way nothing goes wasted.

New Shower and Bathtub Replacements for Your Bethel Heights Home

Your shower or bathtub is the main component of the bathroom, so it's crucial that it looks amazing and functions flawlessly. If your existing fixture is a bit run-down and is discolored, cracked, or leaking, we can help. We provide stunning shower replacements and durable bathtub replacements from the leading brand Luxury Bath. Our Bethel Heights bathroom remodeling contractors can provide you with a gorgeous solution that you'll love. Some benefits of our tub and shower installations include:

  • Large Selection of Styles, Finishes, Textures, and Surround Patterns
  • Durable Acrylic That is Proven to Last
  • Lifetime Workmanship Warranty for as Long as You Live in Your Home
  • Flexible Monthly Payments and Financing Plans
  • Quality Craftsmanship That You Can Trust

Efficient Remodeling Completed Before You Know It

We are easily the most efficient bathroom remodeling company in Northern Arkansas. When you hire our team for a complete renovation, you won't have to wait for weeks. We pride ourselves on our lightning-fast two-day renovations, allowing you to enjoy your new installation before you know it.

Request a Free Quote to Get Started Today

You deserve to have the dream bathroom that you've always wanted. With help from our accomplished team, the process is made easy. Our top-notch conversions, bathtub and shower installations, and two day remodeling service are exactly what you need for your home. 

Contact us today for a free quote and be sure to view our other services like Bethel Heights windows, doors, siding, and gutters.