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Broken Arrow Remodeling Contractors

Do you wish your bathroom’s style was a little more trendy? Is the space no longer meeting the needs of your family, or do you find that you need an accessible solution? Whatever the reasons you’re considering investing in Broken Arrow bathroom renovations, you can count on Burnett Home Improvement to deliver exceptional results.

Since 1979, we’ve been a trusted choice for Broken Arrow bathroom remodeling contractors—a direct result of our commitment to excellence and ability to provide an outstanding customer experience from start to finish. That dedication to quality has earned us many industry awards and glowing customer reviews.

Want to know the best part?

We complete most of our bathroom remodeling projects in as little as two days—and for a lot less than the cost of traditional renovations.

Our services include:

  • Bathtub Remodels
  • Shower Remodels
  • Bath Conversions
  • Walk-In Tubs

Fast, Affordable Bathtub Replacements

Do we really offer Broken Arrow two-day baths? Yes, we do! Once your made-to-measure, custom-fabricated tub is ready, we’ll arrive at your home in the morning with everything we need to complete the work by the time we leave later that day. You’ll be left with an attractive, easy maintenance tub from BCI Elite—one of the most trusted names in the industry.

Stylish, Custom Shower Remodels

Stepping into a fresh, clean shower is a great feeling, and with a Broken Arrow shower remodel from Burnett Home Improvement, you’ll be able to enjoy that feeling without any need for daily scrubbing. All BCI Elite tubs and showers are treated with Microban, an antimicrobial that keeps mold and mildew at bay and eliminates the need for constant cleaning.

Convenient Broken Arrow Bath Conversions

Does your bathroom lack a tub you need, or is your unused tub just taking up space? Our Broken Arrow bath conversions could be the solution you need. Our tub-to-shower and shower-to-tub conversions are fast and affordable. Your new feature will be made to fit the exact footprint of your existing tub or shower, so there is no need to reconfigure the entire space.

Accessible Walk-In Tubs

The need for an accessible solution is one of the top reasons why homeowners consider a Broken Arrow bath remodel. Burnett Home Improvement offers walk-in tubs with important safety features such as:

  • ADA-Compliant Grab Bars
  • Easy-to-Reach Controls
  • Low Threshold
  • Comfortable Built-In Seat

You’ll also enjoy such luxurious touches as soothing jets that provide both safety and comfort in one quality tub!

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Broken Arrow Bathroom Remodeling Services
You’ve been thinking about updating your Broken Arrow bathroom remodel for a while, and our fast installations, affordable prices, and flexible financing make this a great time to invest in the beautiful bathroom you’ve always wanted. Call Burnett Home Improvement today or fill out our online contact form now to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.