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Little Flock Remodeling Contractors

Burnett, Inc is a top-rated bathroom remodeling company in Little Flock. If you want to upgrade your home's bathroom, we have the products and installations for you.

For decades, our family-owned company has provided exceptional results for clients. We take pride in our work and always look to exceed our customer's expectations for their bathtub and shower remodel.

Our services include:

  • Baths
  • Showers
  • Bath Conversions

Custom Bath Installations

One of the simple joys in life is relaxing in a high-quality bathtub. If your home's bathtub has developed stains and cracks, it may be time to consider a bathtub replacement.

At Burnett, we focus heavily on the quality of our products and only install products from industry-leading brands. Our team installs custom bathtubs from the renowned brand Luxury Bath.

High-Quality Replacement Showers in Little Flock

With over 40 years in the remodeling industry, we know how to pair our customers with the perfect replacement shower. Our shower remodels include custom designs, accessories, and colors.

During your shower remodel, you can enjoy the following service quotes:

  • Warranty Coverage: Our remodeling services are backed by comprehensive warranty protection on labor and products.
  • Easy Maintenance: With the help of Luxury Bath's Microban technology, you can enjoy easy maintenance for your remodel.
  • Custom Installations: We personalize our bathroom renovations to meet the unique demands of our Little Flock customers.
  • Free Consultations: Work with a design specialist to create the perfect new shower and receive a quote for the project.
  • Financing Opportunities: While working with Burnett Inc, you can choose a payment program that suits your needs. 

Top-Rated Bath Conversions

Do you want to change the layout of your home's bathroom? Work with Burnett and receive an efficient bath conversion service for your property. We offer tub-to-shower and shower-to-tub conversion services.

While our bath conversions are completed quickly, we never sacrifice the quality of our services. We will ensure you receive a renovation that exceeds your expectations.

Request a Free Bathroom Remodeling Quote Today

Burnett Inc is an award-winning bathroom remodeling contractor helping Northwest Arkansas residents. We have built long-lasting relationships with our customers and continue to provide exceptional results.

Contact us today to request a free project estimate and learn more about our options. Call to speak with one of our friendly representatives or fill out the online quote form.